Historical zombies

I was thinking today if I wanted to branch out into historical zombie wargaming - games set in the Seven Years War or Napoleonic for example. I have a number of historical figures that I want to get some game time in with, but not enough figures for both sides.

 Using the mantic zombies I could get away with this.

Much to my surprise, Eureka Miniatures have made some Napoleonic Zombies.

 No exactly what I had in mind, but at least I am not the only one thinking this...


Zombie Ad said...

Look forward to seeing which route you go down! Could be fun!

Vampifan said...

I love that zombie Napoleon. It's an interestong concept, that's for sure. I'd like to see where you go with this.

shintokamikaze said...

i was going to use my lotr rohan warriors, zeds Vs vikings