Jack kicks the door with such force that it almost takes it off its hinges. Heart beat racing with fear and expectation, Jack peers into the gloom and relaxes when nothing comes out to attack him.
Leila peers in through the window and notices a first aid kit sitting on a table in the room.
Taking caution not to expose herself to danger Niki notices the back garden area is clear, but sees movement in the tree line behind the garden.
From the burnt out building comes the noise of people yelling "Hey! Over here! Help us!".
Blinks pops another tic tac as the tension builds.
Birds eye view of this turns movement |
close up of the action at the farm house. |
Dodgy drawing of inside the farm house. 1 = first aid kit. Doors only on the inside, and only the ones that can be seen. |
(So far all dice rolls have been lucky for the players - hardly any zombies and a great kick to open the door included.)
Blinks calls out " Sandy, Karen! I think we got survivors in here!" "Oh, what`s this?" Blink then proceeds to check the dumpster.
LMAO@ Blink
Leila cautiously follow Jack into the Farmhouse intent on picking up that medikit
Lucky will shoot (3 bullet burst to the upper chest where heart is supposed to be [does he know what zombies are and how to kill them ?] + maximum chance of hit) at the zed when he can clearly see him but warn the others before (like "zed/hostile incoming, right flank !").
Jack heads inside and straight to the back door opening it cautiously, while still trying to give Leila some cover as she goes for the med pack.
Jack Says: "He Blondie, thats not going to help you if one of those things bites you"
Robert follow Leila and Jack into the house but stops just inside the cover of the door ready to assisit in case anything goes wrong.
Karen responds to Blink's call and runs to the front door of the ruined building.
Hah...the chickens are about to fly-the-coop!
niki waits in place for backup and to watch the rear, shes not going out their alone with just a sword, she scans around to try and see anything else
For the players: All survivors have survived long enough to know that the only way to take down a zombie is to shoot it in the head.
Sandy carries on to the rear of the shack, intending to set up a back stop for the guys searching it.
@Shelldrake : thx 4 the info. So instead of a 3 bullet burst, one bullet to the head.
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