Leila moves to the right side of the dumpster and takes aim at the zombies. She knows that when she takes her shots that they must count, as the zombies are almost upon them.
Jack opens up on the zombies closest to him. All the rounds fired in the burst hit their targets taking two of them down, with the third striking the zombie in a non vital area.
Taking aim and firing, Blink takes down the next two closest zombies, the suppressor on his barrel adding to the stability of the bullets' flight. Blink thinks to himself that those shots deserve a tic tac as a reward, because he bought some breathing space for the group... well, that and the shots Jack made.
The group has done well so far, but they must focus as there is plenty of danger in the area still, brought home by the continued advance of the zombies.
Karen takes careful aim at the zombies, waiting for the best time to open fire.
Sandy moves to the rear of the truck. Taking aim he realises he is out of range for his SMG to take a shot, so he aims at them in preparation for making them eat lead. He is not sure, but Sandy
thinks he can hear something within the truck.
Lucky runs to cover a likely area that zombies might appear almost reaching it, with Robert close behind him.
Niki helps the trapped woman down from the third floor and then climbs down after her, taking up a position near a window again.
Taking aim and firing, Blink takes down the next two closest zombies, the suppressor on his barrel adding to the stability of the bullets' flight. Blink thinks to himself that those shots deserve a tic tac as a reward, because he bought some breathing space for the group... well, that and the shots Jack made.
The group has done well so far, but they must focus as there is plenty of danger in the area still, brought home by the continued advance of the zombies.
The Boy Scout (or Bot - which ever you prefer) starts to scream his lungs out as five zombies appear near Lucky and Robert!
Being partially ready Lucky fires a full burst into the appearing zombies but panics and misses. Robert, with a cooler mind doesn't hesitate and delivers head shots to the two closest zombies in front of them.
I had some good dice rolls for the survivors this turn, including a reaction test to the zombies appearing in front of Lucky and Robert. The rolls I made for Lucky indicated he wouldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat, but the rolls for Robert were worthy of an assassin.
Note - these new zombies are just out of range of the zombie lunge thanks to the front two being shot. This means Lucky and Robert can move with out the zombies lunging at them... unless they want to stay there and shoot at them.