Studio Miniatures public fund raiser

Studio Miniatures that makes some really cool zombie figures has a public fund raiser on the go to get some plastic zombies out on the market.

 Studio Miniatures has gone with "Indiegogo" as the fund raiser rather than the more widely used "Kickstarter". This might be a very good move, as Indiegogo allows you to pay your support with credit card or paypal. Kickstarter only allows for the use of credit card - something I wont use online ever again.

 I think I will chip in on this fundraiser - maybe paying in a few weeks.  They have 90 days to reach $5,000 and have $85 from two donors at the time I type.

Those interested can check it out here - and if you are interested and have a blog please do like myself and others are doing - mention it on your blog.

1 comment:

Lord Siwoc said...

I am keeping an eye on this as well mate!