Warm Acre figures

I just noticed that Warm Acre have free postage world wide until the 2nd of Jan.

 Typically I found out at the end of the promo, so I jumped on the web site and found a nice pack of civilian criminal types - including one carrying a baseball bat, which is high on my list for survivor figures.

 The figure with the baseball bat is the one I want the most, but the others will be good for zombie fodder general low ranked survivors.

At 6GPB for a pack of six figures with free postage, these were too good to miss.

 I know Brummie has at least one of the Warm Acre figures, and it looks pretty good, so I am looking forward to the pack of figures I ordered.

If you want to take advantage of the free postage before the 2nd of Jan then visit the Warm Acre site

PBB turn 16 - sans results

As per a comment I posted in the comments section of PBB turn 15 this morning, does anyone have any objections of me playing out the remaining turns with every one making it to the pick up for a getaway?

 It might turn out a bit like a scene from Platoon, but I am ok with that :-P

Merry Zombie Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone - I hope you all have a good one and Santa gives you many zombies things to game with.

PBB Turn 15

Blink moves forward, the taste of fresh tic tak in his mouth, and opens up on the zombies closing in on Karen. Two zombies are hit, with one of them redecorating the zombies behind it with it's brains.

Clutching the dead chicken to her, Karen moves away from the zombies firing a pistol as she goes. Two zombies go down after some accurate firing destroys their heads.

[I tend to lean towards only humans are eaten by zombies, but went with a dice roll, and it seems the thrashing of the remaining chicken is worth the zombies having a look]

Jack puts the truck into gear and gains speed as he plows into the small hoard coming on to the road. He squashes three of them and Niki cuts a fourth in half with her sword as they do the drive by. Even though this forth one has lost its legs it seems to still be 'alive'.

[the rules for using vehicles in "No More Room In Hell" really really suck - a fist with brass knuckles stands a better chance of killing a zombie that a vehicle at speed does! So I threw their idea out of the window and modified it to suit. After all, I didn't want the hard work of all of those crash test dummies to be in vain.]

Lucky fires at the zombies that present the best target, but the moving pick up truck hinders his aim.

Leila makes it outside and moves in on the truck. She gets a sinking feeling in her stomach as she sees Jack start up the truck and accelerate into a small hoard of zombies down the road, leaving Leila stranded in the middle of the road. There really was some shotting going on after all.


Sandi moves to the wall and opens up with his Thompson SMG and puts two of the horrors down.

Dan follows the pick up down the road, but halts as he realizes that to move any closer would put himself within range of the zombies claws. Bringing up his pistol he soon makes short work out of one of the zombies.

Have they been left behind?

Some of the zombies slow to investigate the headless chicken while others just move towards the sound of gun fire.


 The zombies near Sandi move up to his position but Sandi is protected from their attacks by the wall.

Seven more zombies appear at different places.

PBB turn 14

Blink remains in the open exchanging banter with Karen while waiting for something to happen, but unsure as to exactly what 'something happening' actually is.

[If this was not the intention please let me know and I might throw in a 'gimme']

Blink and Karen might be concerned here...

Sandi takes up position on the front door to the apartment, covering the those at the pick up truck .

Leila heads up stairs to do some searching, but passes Sandi who is on the way down. This causes her to hesitate half way up the stairs, unsure if she should continue up or join Sandi at the door.

[As I mentioned in the comments, the orders for Leila didn't match Sandi's, so I went half way with them instead]

Jack fires a burst at the zombies coming up behind Blink. Despite the range he manages to hit two of them, but only takes divots out of their flesh. Not waiting to see the accuracy of this shots he gets into the driver's seat of the pick up.

Karen shoots the chickens in the head, but misses the vital brain stem. Technically the chickens are dead, but they flap around a lot. She is able to pick one of the chickens up, but the other one flaps around too much.

 [I made dice rolls for this, giving a slim chance the shot would not be clean. The dice must have have a sense of humor, as it made the chickens flap around. A second set of dice rolls to catch the chickens only bagged one of them. The saying "Running around like a chicken with it's head cuts off" is actually a reality :-P ]

Robert moves past the front of the pick up to take position to better help Blink and Karen should they need some firepower.

Lucky hoists himself in to the back of the pick up and very calmly takes down two of the closest zombies.
 [Really good dice rolls here]

Niki gets in to the pick up, riding "shot gun" next to Jack.

Getting out of this one should be interesting.

The zombies really start to close in on the survivors and form hoards. Ten more zombies appear - five near the billboard, and five near the ice cream van.

PBB - turn 13

Niki shakes the fog from her head as she stands up and makes her way to the pick up.

Lucky and Robert just make it to the pick up truck and hurls the chubby boy scout into the back. They stand next to the truck observing the zombies.

[as the movement and the action of putting the kid in the back used up all of their actions for this turn.]

Taking aim at the zombies nearing Jack at the farm house Karen drops the leading the pack.

[I went for the zombies that Karen had the clearest shot to].

Jack turns and bolts for the pick up. Clearing the stone wall he pulls up at the front of the truck.

Seeing Niki has recovered Leila follows Sandi into the house. Leila searches the first room and only finds the remains of the dead zombies. Sandi heads upstairs, clearing the corridor to make sure there are not hostiles lurking there. He notices there are three doors he could enter to find a good firing point... it just depends on what direction he wants the firing point to face.

Blink pops another tic tac and moves a bit forward, blissfully happy that no zombies are in range at the moment.

Mr X herds the survivors in the pick up truck into better positions so as to allow more people to get into the pick up.

The zombies react to the only gun shots fired this turn and those closest move towards the chicken coop. The zombies near the billboard continue down the road towards the pick up.

 Six more zombies appear near the ice cream truck.

 More than one survivor is beginning to feel nervous with the zombies closing in with a pincer shamble.

PBB Turn 12 Part 2

Again my apologies for the delay

 Goman Nasai!

Niki moves to the second door and opens it, and recoils in horror.

 Inside the first room of the second apartment are numerous severed zombie heads suspended from the roof. If this wasn't enough, the heads are still animated - their teeth nashing at the potential of a bite to eat.

 Niki faints.

Leila fires two shots into the zombies in the room, killing one of them.

Sandi opens up on the remaining zombies, the heavy slugs of the Thompson SMG tearing large holes into the mass and three of the zombies drop.

The last two zombies in the room bear down on the two survivors in the room. One claws at Sandi but misses. Sandi wastes no time in clubbing the zombie's head in with the butt of this trusty SMG.

 Leila tussles with the remaining zombie who finally manages to bite down on something. Unfortunately for the zombie it is the barrel of Leila's pistol. Pulling the trigger, Leila vaporises the unfortunate creature's head, clearing the room of all hostile occupants.

The zombies around the area close in even further on their human meal tickets and are joined by another ten zombies - four near the ice cream van, and six near the drainage pipe.

I had some bad dice rolls for Niki, with the charts indicating she fainted due to the shock of what is in the room (which is a random encounter, not my own idea).  As such Niki must rally before completing orders for the next turn, but give the orders and I will act on them if the rally test is passed.

Leila and Sandy are now in the house and the first ground floor room as shown on the map on the previous PPB Turn 12 post.