PBB2 - Turn 2 results
Here are the results for turn 2:
Misty Climbs over the fence and looks into the car. She doesn't see anything of interest, but does get a creepy feeling down her spine.
Blink 'pauses' for a moment to take in the scenery and moves of down the road. He notices two zombies down the road from him, and two more on the other side of the fence line behind the house.
Robert moves in for a closer look a the car, but like Misty, doesn't see anything of interest.
Lorenzo moves down the road and hurries to catch up to Karen and Vonnie.
Vonnie moves to the bottom of the fence line and looks down the path - she can see a zombie shuffling behind a tree at the far end, and what appears to be a dog with a hand in it's mouth.
Karen moves further down providing cover to Vonnie should she need it.
Game Notes - ranges for the weapons will be in squares, not inches. Thus if a pistol has 10" range in table top terms, it will have a range 10 squares in this game.
Ranges are:
Pistols - 10
Heavy Pistols - 10
Rifles - 30
SMG - 15
Grenade - 10