Starting up again
Having a few years pass before I know it (due to many factors) is kind of startling to see my last post was in 2007!
I have ATZ and Ambush Z rules, but never really took to them. They have great ideas in them, but they were never what I wanted.
As I type I have the Iron Ivan rules "No more rule in Hell" rules coming my way in the post, and I am hoping these will do the trick for me.
I have Iron Ivan's WW1 and Pulp rules, so I know what to expect, and I can always borrow parts of the other two rules that I like to fill in any gaps there may be.
I have been making buildings for other games (WW2 and Strange Aeons games) so my building making skills have been improving.
What I really need to do is sit down and design a modular gaming area that can be a city, town or rural area for my games.
Once I have made my plans I will then decide if I will scratch build the buildings or go with a print out cardboard type.